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Hey player - having fun yet?

Updated: Aug 13

That's mostly up to you. Putting together a plan & a budget is helpful. You may want to start by checking traffic (USA - Nevada), comparing air & bus fare, finding EV charging stations, or getting the latest Gas Prices in advance. Do that and more at Navigating Nevada.

Reduce expectations. Not to pop your balloon before you even get started but accept that the edge always goes to the house. The idea is to break up the routine, cut loose a bit - leave your daily cares behind. A big win is a bonus. If not, you had fun & can play another day. If you break even, consider it a win! Nothing like a trip that pays for itself.

KNOW YOUR LIMITS - Rent money is for rent, gambling money for gambling. The two should never meet on the tables or in a slot machine. We understand the concerns of some who believe that gambling destroys lives. So do many other activities people engage in every day.

As usual, it all comes down to personal responsibility. Self-discipline. If you don't possess these qualities, you have lessons to learn. Misguided people abuse alcohol, guns, cars, & other things, legal and illegal, that have been around for a long time.

If you are an otherwise intelligent individual who loses control when you walk into a casino--if you get sucked in by the bright lights & dizzying possibilities - if you find yourself repeatedly going overboard, we suggest you seek help from people who have been there. Call the Problem Gamblers Help Line: 1.800.522.4700. Someone is always there to talk with you. You may also find helpful information here: Gambling Addiction & Substance Abuse: How They Are Linked & What to Do (Bicycle Health).

You may also be interested in Gamble Box - a device you take with you to the casino to stuff occasional winnings into, and that you can't open until you get home.

IMPORTANT HEADS-UP: Prostitution is legal in several Nevada counties, but not in Clark or Washoe counties, meaning definitely NOT in Las Vegas or Reno. "But what about all those escort services I see advertised in Vegas?", you ask? They aren't what you think they are. Easily learn more by scanning the web or reading these articles from Wikipedia and/or Legal Scoop.

SECURITY IS JOB ONE. YOURS. - Take an active role in protecting yourself. If you hit it big, ask the casino for a cashier’s check or a direct deposit to your financial institution. Failing that, at the very least request a security escort to your vehicle. Be careful. Make sure no one is shadowing you. Someone may try to follow you home. It's a rare occurrence, but it happens. Learn how to protect yourself in a variety of situations by visiting the National Crime Prevention Council.

​IF YOU THINK YOU ARE BEING FOLLOWED, call the police! If possible, drive to the nearest station - ask to be met outside - do NOT exit your vehicle until you are sure you are safe. Keep your doors locked & windows rolled up!

Big jackpots or table wins often elicit squeals of joy from the player. Consider a quiet golf clap instead. Better yet, jump for joy in private. You don’t want to draw the attention of less fortunate, unscrupulous patrons.

Take stock of your surroundings and of others near you. Don't act paranoid, just be alert. If you’re staying on the property and there’s a safe in your room, when you are sure no one is following you, go there & lock up some or all of your winnings. Lock and chain your room door! Casino security officers do their best to protect you, but they can't be everywhere at all times.

Be aware of Air Tags and Tiles that can be used to track you. Read this article: How to Protect Yourself Against AirTag and Tile Stalking

Anything else? Yes. Be mindful of your alcohol intake. Gee whiz, are we party poopers or what? Not trying to be. Just suggesting that you take it slow is all. Pace yourself. If you're not aware of what you're doing, someone else is, and they might take advantage of the situation. We haven't just heard all the stories - we've lived them.

Now you're ready to play!

Thanks for reading.

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