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Nevada Players Club Code of Conduct

(Usage Terms & Conditions)

​ welcomes your comments in reaction to blogs we post, comments we make, or videos we share, with the expectation that you will conduct yourself with a certain level of decorum.


When you contribute to Nevada Players Club discourse by leaving a comment for our visitors to read, whether via e-mail, our social media pages, or in any other way, you agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct.  


NVPC visitors & users who mistreat or disparage NVPC staff & management, NVPC contributors, or other NVPC site users, may be blocked from making further comments.


This does not mean you can't share a negative opinion. We simply expect you to treat others as you wish to be treated – unless you enjoy being mistreated. If you do enjoy being mistreated, we still expect you to be nice while visiting and interacting with others - or be gone.


If you have something less than flattering you wish to say about anyone connected with NVPC in any way, and you feel truly justified in the need to say it – whether it’s criticism of a company, business, or person, whether they are affiliated with Nevada Players Club or not, we ask that you keep your comments classy. Diplomacy should be the order of the day, even when complaining about services or employees at area businesses.


If you feel there is a problem or an issue with NVPC staff or NVPC site users that needs to be addressed, please let us know, and we’ll make an effort to resolve it.


It will be the decision of Nevada Players Club management as to whether there has been a breach of our Code of Conduct. We have the right to edit, refuse to post, or to remove any contribution in whole or in part that we deem to be in breach of our Code of Conduct.


We ask that your comments or contributions to NVPC be relevant to recreational activities in Nevada, and that they not contain anything that is unlawful, objectionable, offensive, abusive, harassing, threatening, defamatory, obscene, hateful, inflammatory, profane, racially, sexually or religiously offensive.


Nevada Players Club management reserves the right to decide what qualifies as acceptable, and what does not. We have the right to edit, refuse to post, or to remove any contribution in whole or in part that we deem to be a breach of our Code of Conduct. 


Please bring any issue you may be concerned with to my personal attention.


Thank you.


- Jeff Young

Phone > 1.234.PlayIt.7  (1.234.752.9487)


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